Are you looking to help your aging relative stay safe and stay close? Many people are worried about parents, grandparents, and other important people in their lives for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they are no longer able to drive safely or might be a fall risk. Maybe you are looking to take your aging relative out of a more structured care facility because you’d like them to have a more private care option. House additions are a wonderful way to expand your current living space to make room for aging relatives, and our team here at Dorothy Builds LLC would love to assist you in this endeavor.
When you work with our team, we are able to come up with the best possible house addition options to suit your needs. While many aging relatives just need a room to stay in, there are other times when they would prefer more privacy or their own space. We understand how to complete your house addition in a variety of different ways, most of which will help you create a space that will meet the needs and safety requirements of someone who would like to age in place. We can do things like add on a bathroom that will easily accommodate a wheelchair or has safety rails, expand a doorway, replace flooring or even look at building an angel house, which is a small cottage located on your property. With our help, you will get the space and features you need to care for aging loved ones.
We would love to tell you more about house additions and how we can customize them to your space. For more information, please give us a call today.