Popular Reasons to Invest in Home Additions

HomeBlogPopular Reasons to Invest in Home Additions

Even if your home seemed perfect when you first moved in, it’s likely it won’t remain perfect forever. As time goes on, your circumstances will change, and in many cases, these changes will render your current home inadequate for your needs. When that happens, you can either move to a new residence, or add on to the one you have. Our team at Dorothy Builds LLC has completed countless home additions over the years, and in this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular reasons why people invest in these renovations.

Popular Reasons to Invest in Home Additions

  • Growing Families – One of the most common reasons why people outgrow their homes is because their families are expanding. If you have welcomed a new baby or your children are now old enough they need their own rooms, then you may need to create more space for them. Our team can help you create the perfect home additions to accommodate your family as it grows.
  • Aging Relatives – Of course, having children is not the only way your family can grow—for example, as your parents or other relatives get older, they may not be able to live alone anymore, and you may need to bring them into your household. For a variety of reasons, many adult children are choosing to care for their aging parents at home, which means they need to create more space to keep everyone comfortable. Our team can help you create comfortable in-law suites or Angel Houses where your loved one can live as independently as possible while remaining close by and receiving the care and support they need.
  • Changing Careers – A third example of a situation in which you may need home additions is a change in careers—if you plan to start your own business or you now work from home, we encourage you to invest in a home office. Our team can help you create the ideal work environment to help you succeed in your new endeavors.